I’m having a really hard time posting every day now, which is silly because I’ve got a lot to talk about ! Sometimes you look for inspiration and nothing comes up but sometimes it just falls upon you and all you need is time to organize it. Time, which I am cruelly lacking right now … BUT as I was pretty happy with my make up yesterday and just for the sake of posting, here we go ! :)

DSCN1458I was inspired by the sunset for these smoky eyes, that is why I used blue for my eye liner and my lashes. I have used on my eyes a lot of shimmery colors, which are usually not good for hooded eyes like mine, but I think it turned out pretty OK after all. I just wish I had had a real mat yellow, instead I used a shimmery one from Sleek. The red-ish color is Copper from MAC. As for the blue around the eyes for the liner and the lashes I’ve used the same as here. It is pretty discreet overall especially with a matte skin like mine, but still chic and elegant.

I hope you like that make up ! Bisous bisous :*